The New York City Icon Plays

Ego Actus presented an Equity Showcase Code production of The New York City Icon Plays.

The show opened November 6, 2011 at Theatre 54 at Shetler Studios.


The New York City Icon Plays was series of short plays, all set in iconic New York City places.

The Plays

Francine by Robin Rice Lichtig, directed by Rob Weinstein with Nicole Greevy* and Leslie C. Nemet.

6 Train to Vermeer by Marc Lamberg, directed by Evan T. Cummings with Philip M. Gardiner and David Lamberton*.

Aboard the Molinari written & directed by Bara Swain with Briana Pozner and Nick DeSimone.

Charlie in Central Park by Penny Brandt Jackson directed by Sebastian Nyman Agdur with Nick Amick, Alana Jackler* and Douglas David*.

Let Bygones Be by Zanne Hall directed by Emily Cornelius with Robert Hartman* and Laurel Lockhart*.

Pizza for Life written & directed by Melissa Skirboll with Matthew Shear, David DiCenso and Christopher King*.


The crew included set by Starlet Jacobs, lights by Melissa Joakim, stage manager Katie Quigley with press rep Michael Martinez.


*These actors appeared courtesy of Actors Equity Association.