Ego Actus presented an Equity Showcase Code production of The Tragedy of Dandelion by Duncan Pflaster, directed by Joan Kane.
The show opened May 22, 2014 at Urban Stages.
The Princess Dandelion dresses as a boy in order to escape her rapist and would-be husband, along the way falling in love with another princess, and traveling through her society, meeting nuns, soldiers, and clowns, and all the time her pregnancy continues, the impending birth complicating everything.
The cast featured Mim Granahan*, Erin Nelson, Kate Dickinson, Kelly Zekas, Maria Peyramaure*, Louise Flory, Dianne Diep, Calaine Schafer, Shannon Stowe* and Susan Wallack* with musician Revay Henneman.
The crew included set by Mark Marcante, costumes by Caitlin Cisek, lights by Bruce A! Kraemer, sound by David Lawson, projections by Roy T. Chang, fight choreographer Teddy Lytle and stage manager Kacey Stamats. Press rep Scotti Rhodes, box office manager Rae Rossi.
“The more than 30 roles in this piece are played by ten women, and it is this notion – so skillfully carried out in this premiere production by director Joan Kane that gives such enormous gravitas to this Tragedy.” Martin Denton, indie theatre now
Photo credit Al Foote III
*These actors appeared courtesy of Actors Equity Association.