Ego Actus presented Louise in Charlestown by Penny Jackson, directed by Joan Kane.
The show opened October 19, 2015 at Theatre Row in the United Solo Festival.
Louise in Charlestown is a drama about racism and forgiveness in Boston during the turbulent era of forced integration. Twelve-year-old Patty, an Irish-American girl, has a new best friend. Louise is from Jamaica. Patty adores Louise and ignores her family’s increasing warnings about their friendship. Inevitably, violence occurs, and Patty must grapple with the outcome decades later.
The cast featured Mary Monahan.
The crew included costumes by Cat Fisher, lights by Bruce A! Kraemer, hair by Coco and stage manager Rae Rossi.
“The fine direction channels a whole, crazy neighborhood through one actress dressed as an unassuming schoolgirl.” Review in by Ed Malin, September 27, 2015