Almost 13


We are taking Almost 13 to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2022. We will also play the show for a three performances in New York City at the 59e59 East to Edinburgh festival in July 2022.


Almost 13 is a one woman play written and performed by Joan Kane, directed and designed by Bruce A! Kraemer




August, 2020


These are the adult memories of a young girl’s hot, sweaty summer in Brooklyn. Can she survive being caught between a disintegrating family at home and racial violence on the streets? All she wants to do is jump in the waves at Coney Island and see the fireworks. This play was written at the LaMama playwriting symposium in Umbria, Italy.

History of the Play

Joan has been thinking about Almost 13 for a number of years. At the LaMama Directors Symposium in Umbria, Italy, under the guidance of Brandon Jacob Jenkins, she found the inspiration to write the 15 character version of the play. Now, with the help of dramaturge Catherine Fillioux, she haas converted it into a one woman show. It sold out its performance in the 2019 United Solo festival.